Power and conflict quotes

Cards (35)

  • "only we children still chattered and laughed" -kamikaze
  • "They treated him as if he never existed"-kamikaze
  • "No longer the father we loved" - Kamikaze
  • "Her father embarked at sunrise"- Kamikaze
  • "A shaven head full of incantations" - Kamikaze
  • "turbulent breakers" - kamikaze
  • describe the structure of Kamikaze

    tight controlled stanza length (6 lines). No rhyming scheme. enjambment.
  • "What are we doing here?-Exposure
  • "Flowing flakes that flock" - Exposure
  • "Shutters and doors, all closed:on us the doors are closed" - Exposure
  • "all their eyes are ice" - Exposure
  • describe the structure of exposure

    consistent rhyming scheme (ababc). Cyclical structure. In general chaotic structure( anaphora, caesura , elipsis)
  • "His bloody life in my bloody hands" - Remains
  • "He's here in my head when i close my eyes"- Remains
  • "Probably armed, possibly not" -Remains
  • "I see every round as it rips through his life"-Remains
  • "sort of inside out" -Remains
  • "His blood-shadow stays on the street"- Remains
  • "Then im home on leave.But i blink" -Remains
  • describe the structure of Remains

    free verse. Dramatic monologue. Enjambment. Caesura
  • "Individual war graves"- Poppies
  • "Steeled the softening of my face"-Poppies
  • "I was brave" -Poppies
  • "The world overflowing like a treasure chest" -Poppies
  • "Released a song bird from it's cage"- Poppies
  • "The dove pulled freely against the sky"-Poppies
  • "Ornamental stitch"-Poppies
  • Describe the structure of poppies
    free verse. No irregular rhyme scheme( some half rhymes) enjambment. Cauesura.
  • "As though this were a church as he a priest preparing to intone a Mass" -War photographer
  • "All flesh is grass" -War photographer
  • "Which did not tremble then though seem to now" -War photograher
  • "The readers eyeballs prick with tears" -War photographer
  • "They do not care." -War photographer
  • "A hundred agonies in black-and-white" - War photograper
  • Describe the structure of War Photographer

    Rigid unchanging form. 6 line stanzas. ABBCDD. Cyclical structure.