Sheringham (coastal management)

Cards (13)

  • Reason for management
    Sheringham is reliant on tourism ... it needs a beach
  • Reason for management
    Sheringham is low-lying. This means it has a high risk of floods
  • Reason for management
    Sheringham has a cliff top position. Erosion of the cliffs puts houses at risk
  • Reason for management
    Geology is loose (boulder clay). This means it can easily erode and weather.
  • Management Strategies
    Sea wall
    Rock Armour
  • Management strategy - Groynes
    Longshore drift travelled West to East. All the groynes were working but one.
    + Not expensive
    + Creates a wider beach. This slows waves down
    ~ Unnatural and unattractive
  • Management strategy - Sea wall
    Creates a promenade for the public to use
    + Stops erosion and sea sediment
    ~ Unattractive
  • Management strategy - Rock Armour
    + Fairly cheap
    ~ May need to be replaced
  • Resulting conflict
    Coastal management in Sheringham is effective but it has made erosion worse for nearby towns.
  • Resulting effect
    A maintained beach and town increases the number of tourists. This means more money for Sheringham but potentially a negative effect on environment.
  • Resulting conflict
    Tourists may get in the way of the fishing industry
  • Resulting conflict
    Golf clubs are situated on the cliffs. Golf club owners are at risk of losing their businesses
  • Resulting conflict
    Caravan sites are situated on cliffs and there is no protection on the cliffs. They are in danger of losing it all.