Alpha particles are a helium nucleus (2 neutrons and 2 protons), they are stopped by a sheet of paper.
Gamma rays are highenergyphotons that penetrate most materials except lead or concrete.
Beta particles are highenergyelectrons, they can be stopped by 5mm of aluminium foil.
When an element emits an α particle it’s mass number decreasesby4 and it’s atomic number decreasesby2.
When an element emits a β particle its mass number staysthesame but its atomic number increasesbyone.
Electron capture is when an electron is captured by a proton, to form a neutron, the atomic number is decreasedby1, but the mass number is unchanged.
Positron emission is when a proton is converted into a neutron while releasing a positron. The atomic number will decrease by 1.
Half-life is the time taken for half the atoms in a radioisotope to decay.
Ionisation radiation can cause mutations in DNA and can lead to cancer.
Radiation can be used for
Radiotherapy (Cobalt-60) the high energy γ radiation is used to kill cancer cells.
Carbon dating of organisms (Carbon-14)
Product control in industry
An atomic orbital is a region in an atom that can hold up to 2 electrons with opposing spins.
an s sub-shell can hold 2electrons
a p sub-shell can hold 6 electrons
a d sub-shell can hold 10 electrons
Electrons fill orbitals in order of increasingenergy (Aufbau principle)
A maximum of 2 electrons can occupy an orbital each with opposing spins (Pauli exclusion principle)
The orbitals will first fill with oneelectron each with parallel spins, before a second electron is added (Hund‘s rule)
A 4s orbital will fill before a 3d orbital due to increasingly complex influences of nuclear attractions and electron repulsion’s upon individual electron.
The first ionisation energy of an element is the energy required to remove one electron from each atom in one mole of its gaseous atoms.
Firstionisationenergy: X(g)=X+(g)+e−
The factors that affect ionisation energy are:
The size of nuclearcharge: the greater the charge, the greater the attractive force on the electron to the nucleus
The distance of the outer electron from the nucleus: the force of attraction decreases as the distance increases.
The shielding effect by electrons filled in innershells: the more filled inner or sub shells the smaller the attractive force due to increased repulsion.
He>H as it has a greater nuclear charge in the same subshell so little extra shielding.
He>Li since lithium‘s outer electron is in a new shell which has increased shielding and is further from the nucleus.
Be>B since boron’s outer electron is in a new subshell of slightly higher energy level and is partly shielded by the 2s electrons.
N>O since the electron-electron repulsion between the 2 paired electrons in one p orbital in oxygen makes one of the electrons easier to remove. Nitrogen does not contain paired electrons in its p orbital.
He>Ne since neon‘s outer electron has increased shielding from inner electrons and is further from the nucleus.
Succesive ionisation energies are a measure of the energy needed to remove each electron in turn until all the electrons are removed from an atom.
The third ionisation energy is
Successive ionisation energies increase because:
There is a greatereffectivenuclearcharge as the same number of protons are holding fewer and fewer electrons
As each electron is drawn there is less and lesselectron-electronrepulsion and each shell is drawn in slightlycloser to the nucleus
As the distance from the nucleus decreases, the nuclear attractionincreases.
Large jumps indicateanewshell being reached.
Absorptionspectra indicates the wavelengths absorbed that correspond to the energy taken in by the atoms to promote electrons from higher to lower energy levels.
Emissionspectra is where atoms are de-excited leading to an emission of a photon, at a specific frequency.
The hydrogen spectrum is a series of lines that are produced when hydrogen atoms are excited to higher energy levels, and then emit the energy in the form of light.