Project Proposal

Cards (22)

  • Project Proposal
    A highly persuasive and informative document that aims to address a particular problem or issue. A bid or offer to initiate a project for an individual or a group.
  • Purpose in perspective of funding agencies
     to help applicants develop more competitive proposals and to save time by eliminating proposals that are not likely to be funded.
  • Purpose in applicant's perspective 

     to capture the interest of the funding agency and demonstrate that the idea they are proposing is worthy of further consideration
  • Content of a good Project Proposal
    • Goals and objectives that the project wants to accomplish 
    • Project plan and details how the set goals and objectives will be accomplished. 
    • Financial, human, and technical resources useful in implementing the project. 
    • Budget that specifies how much money is needed and for what purpose it will be spent. 
  • How many types of project proposal are there
  • Solicited Internal
    used when the target reader is within the organization that responds to a specific request. The problem has been identified within the organization and the decision to solve it has been made. 
  • Unsolicited Internal
     also used when the target reader is within the organization. It is a self-initiated proposal that on one asked for. The target reader has not yet identified the problem that exists within the organization. 
  • Solicited External
    used when the target reader is not within the organization. It responds to a specific request from someone who isn't from the organization. 
  • Unsolicited External
    used when the target reader is not within the organization, a self-initiated proposal that no one asked for. 
    The target reader has not yet identified that a problem exists within the organization; hence no decision has been made to solve the problem. 
  • a concept paper ranges from how many words
     1,000 to 2,500 words
  • Cover Letter
     introduces the proposal, and describes the important aspects of the proposal. It includes the writer’s wish for the client’s positive response. 
  • Title Page
     includes the project title that is concise and informative. It includes the lead organization, place and date of the project, the client’s or donor's name, proponent’s name, and the department or organization they represent, and the date of submission. 
  • Executive Summary
    Includes the objectives, the implementing organization, the major project activities, and the total project cost. 
    Uses a paragraph format that is composed of 200-250 words, or more. 
  • Context of the Proposal
    Describes the socio-economic, cultural, and political background in which the proposal is situated. It also presents the data collected from other sources that are relevant to the planning stage.
  • Project Justification
     provides the rationale for the project and specifies the problem being solved, along with the justification on why there is a need to address the problem. This part also describes why your organization is the best to solve the problem. 
  • Personnel involved
     lists all the people involved in the project, their corresponding roles, and their summary of qualification. 
  • Project Implementation
     shows the activity plan and resource plan. It describes the allocation of activities and the resources needed for each. The time and place of activity must be indicated here. 
  • Budget
    presents the expected income and expenses over a specific time period
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
     Specifies when and how the team will monitor the progress of the projects, along with the methods for monitoring and evaluation, with its personnel in-charged for monitoring. 
  • Reporting Scheme
     specifies the schedule for reporting the finances and progress of the project. 
  • Conclusion
    Briefly describes the project, the problem it addresses, and its benefits to all stakeholders through a summary. The readers are directed back to the good features of the project. 
  • References
    list all the references used in drafting the project proposal using the format required by the funding agency