Cards (12)

  • Abstract - summarizes the contents of a research paper (use past tense), 150-300 words
  • Parts of Abstract:
    1. Problem
    2. Research Design
    3. Population and Sample
    4. Data Gathering Tool
    5. Results
    6. Conclusion of the Study
  • Introduction - A comprehensive discussion of the problem of the research study.
  • Parts of Introduction:
    1. Background of the Study
    2. Statement of the Problem
    3. Theoretical Framework
  • Methodology(5-7pp) - A comprehensive discussion of the methods and procedures in a qualitative research.
  • Parts of Methodology:
    1. Research Design
    2. Population and Sample of the Study
    3. Data Gathering Procedure
    4. Research Instrument
    5. Data Analysis and Interpretation
    6. Ethical Considerations
  • Results and Discussion - This part of the research study discusses the results of the study. Consider logical arrangement- according to statement of the problem. Make use of table, charts and diagrams for the discussion. Interpret the data accordingly. Use past tense of verbs
  • Conclusions (1 p) - Summarizes the findings of the research study thus addressing the general problem of the research. Include impact and implication of the research study
  • Bibliography - Provides the list of references used in the entire paper.
    Bibliography must be arranged alphabetically (authors surname) and must strictly use the APA format just like the one below.
  • Surname, Initial.Year of Publication. Title of the article. Journal. Journal Volume. Specific pages. Place of Publication. Retrieved from: Website
  • Appendices - documentation
  • Parts of Appendices:
    1. Participant consent form
    2. Permission letters
    3. Research Instrumnet
    4. Documentation Pictures (4-6 with captions ) maximum of 2
    documentation pictures per page. (Observe data privacy)