
Cards (13)

  • EXW = Ex-Works, the seller is responsible for making the goods available at their premises.
  • FCA = Free Carrier, seller is responsible for delivering the goods, cleared for export and packaged, to a named location.
  • CPT = Carriage Paid To, seller pays for the carriage.
  • Carrier, is a company or a person legally entitled to transport goods by land, water, and air.
  • CIP = Carriage & Insurance Paid, seller pays for all costs associated with the transport of goods up to a specified destination.
  • DDP = Delivered Duty Paid, seller must deliver the goods to the buyer, cleared for import, and not unloaded at the named place of destination.
  • DAP = Delivered at Place, all import customers formalities and costs are the responsibility of the buyer
  • DAT = Delivered at Terminal, seller pays for carriage to a nominated 'terminal' or 'point', except for costs related to import clearance.
  • Maritime-only terms, these are only used for conventional sea or inland waterway transport. (containerized)
  • FAS = Free Alongside Ship, container is place at the port of shipment
  • FOB = Free on Board, seller must deliver the goods by 'placing them on board the vessel, at the loading point'
  • CFR = Cost and Freight, seller pays for the transport of goods by sea to the buyer's (required) destination.
  • CIF = Cost, Insurance, and Freight, seller requires to take out an agreed amount of marine insurance to protect against the loss, damage, or destruction of the order.