Klein has three children, Hans, Erich and a distant relationship with eldest Melitta
Klein started her career in Psychoanalysis when they moved to Budapest
After reading Freud's On Dreams, she raised her Erich using Freudian principles
Sandor Ferenczi, introduced Klein to Psychoanalysis (1909)
During the 1920, Klein revolutionized children psychology
Objects Relation Theory puts emphasis on the infant’s drives (hunger, sex etc.) and that these drives are directed to an object such as a breast, vagina, penis etc.
Phantasies are psychic representations of unconscious Id instinct
Object forces us to do something to relieve tension
The earliest objects relations are with the mother's breast
Klein has positions rather than stages of development
The first 3 to 4 months of life is called the Paranoid-Schizoid position in which the ego’s perception of the external world is subjective and fantastic
The first 5 to 6 months of life is called the Depressive position which is accompanied by feelings of anxiety for losing an object or guilt for wanting to destroy it
In 1927, Klein took permanent residency in England and developed her rivalry with Anne Freud
There is Ego Maturity when an infant realizes it lacks the capacity to protect the mother, and experiences guilt for its previous destructive urges
In 1927, Klein was rejected by the Freuds, and she established the Kleinian School
Persecutory feelings are paranoid - not based on any real or immediate danger
Psychic Defensive Mechanisms are used to protect their ego against the anxiety aroused by their own destructive urges
Introjection begins with the first feeding when there is an attempt to incorporate the mother’s breast into the body
Splitting happens when the infant keeps the conflicting feelings apart and focuses on just one of them
Projection alleviate the unbearable anxiety of being destroyed by dangerous internal forces by attributing own feelings into another person
Projective Identification split unacceptable parts of themselves, project to another object, and finally introject them back into themselves in a changed form
There are 4 Psychic Defensive Mechanisms, (1) Introjection (2) Splitting (3) Projection (4) Projective Identification
Ego is one's sense of self which is strong enough to feel anxiety, use defense mechanism, and form object relations in both fantasy and reality
Superego emerges much earlier in life, and does not produce guilt but terror
Compared to Freud, Klein's Oedipal Complex talks about positive feelings toward both parents during the oedipal years (not mother only)
There is two types of Oedipal Complex, (1) Female Oedipal Development (2) Male Oedipal Development
Klein believes that people are born with two strong drives - life and death
Klein proposed therapeutic treatment for disturbed children
Klein proposed prophylactic analysis for healthy children
Klein's Psychotherapy aim to reduce depressive anxieties and persecutory fears and to mitigate the harshness of internalized objects
Theorist Margaret Mahler focuses on Security to Autonomy
Separation Anxiety was coined and studied by John Bowlby
According to Heinz Kohut, infants are self-centered
Mary Ainsworth focused on measuring the type of attachment style
Horneyian Theory assumes that social, and cultural conditions, especially childhood experiences are largely responsible in shaping personality
There are 3 Neurotic Trends, (1) Moving Towards (2) Moving Against (3) Moving Away
Under Self-Image, there is (1) Neurotic Search for Glory (2) Neurotic Claims (3) Neurotic Pride
Under Self-Hatred, there is (1) Self Contempt (2) Alienation from Self