The unity and oneness of God called Tawhid. The Arabic word for God is Allah.
God created angels to interact with human lives bringing his divinemessage. Each muslim has two gardian angels who record the person's good and bad actions.
God has revealed his word to humans in the Qur'an. This tells Muslims all they need to know about how to live their lives
God has spoken through numerous prophets hrough time, Including Adam, Nuh (Noah), Ibrahim(Abraham), Musa (Moses), and Isa(Jesus). However Muhammed is the greatest prophet
Muslims believe that there will be a dayofjudgement when everyone will face god and he will decide whether or not they go to heaven or hell based on what they did during life
God is responsible For everything and set out a divine destiny for all things. God has written down all things that will happen in the universe. This is called predestination.