Latitude- imaginary lines that circle the Earth and are parallel to the equator. It tells us whether a place is located in the northern/southern hemisphere or how far north/south from the equator is
What are the 5 major latitudes?
ArcticCircle,Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Tropic of Capricorn, and AntarcticCircle
PolarRegions- areas near the North Pole and South Pole
Tropics- regions between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn
Longitudes- are vertical lines that indicate how far East/West of the Prime Meridian a place is.
What are the 2 major longitudes?
PrimeMeridian and International Date Line
An Archipelago is a sea with many islands/a group of islands
Where does the word Archipelago come from?
Greek expressions archi (chief) and palagos (sea)
What are the major landforms?
Mountains, Mountain Ranges, Hills, Volcanoes, Valleys, Plateaus, Cliffs, Plains, Marsh, and Cays
What are the major water forms?
Oceans, Seas, Rivers, Lakes
Mountains- large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level. (Ex. Mt. Apo & Mt. Kalatungan)
Mountain Ranges- a series of mountains, elevated surface features that may be thousands of kilometers long hundreds of kms wide. (ex. SierraMadre)
What are 2 representations of the Earth?
Globes and Maps
Latitudes and Longitudes- create an imaginarygrid
What are the 2 types of trend direction?
Quadrant & Azimuthalnotation
AzimuthalNotation- a trend direction as determined by an angle 0 –360 degrees with North at 0º (or 360º), East at 90º,South as 180º and West as 270º
Quadrant Notation- rend direction as determined by an angle, < = 90º relative to a North or South compass direction.
Continent- major land mass on Earth
What are the 7 Continents?
Asia, Europe, Africa, NorthAmerica, SouthAmerica, Australia, Antarctica (Scientists & Geographers recognize Europe and Asia as one known as Eurasia)
Ocean- largest body of water on earth, 70% of earth's surface is covered by it
What are the 5 Oceans?
Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Antarctic Ocean, Arctic Ocean
What are the 3 geographic areas of the Philippines?
Luzon, Visayas, & Mindanao
Volcanoes- formed around a weak area of the earth's crust through which molten rock from beneath reaches the surface