types of experiments

    Cards (8)

    • Laboratory experiments

      Experimenter has full control over what happens in the experiment, environmental factors and instructions are highly controlled, only one factor (independent variable) changes between conditions
    • Laboratory experiments

      • High internal validity, highly replicable
      • May lack external validity, ecological validity, and mundane realism, can suffer from demand characteristics
    • Field experiments
      Conducted in the real world, natural setting, not a lab
    • Field experiments

      • Increased external validity and ecological validity, reduced demand characteristics
      • Lack of control over extraneous variables, reduced internal validity, cannot randomly assign participants
    • Natural experiments

      Levels of independent variable have already happened naturally, researcher just measures change in dependent variable
    • Natural experiments

      • Allow research in areas not possible otherwise, high external validity
      • Lack of control over extraneous variables, reduced internal validity, cannot be replicated
    • Quasi-experiments
      Researcher cannot randomly assign participants to different levels of independent variable, groups already exist
    • Quasi-experiments

      • Only way to study certain factors like gender, age, mental health conditions
      • Confounding variables that differ systematically between conditions