Directly observing/ looking at something; gathering data from what we see
Systematic collection, analysis and use of information from programs for three basic purposes: learning from the experiences acquired, accounting internally and externally for the resources used and the results obtained, and taking decisions
Assessing an ongoing or completed program or policy as systematically and as objectively as possible
Monitoring and evaluation go hand in hand and are complementary
M&E Purpose
To have a strong M&E and review system in place for the National Health Strategic Plan that comprises all major disease programs and health systems
M&E Plan
The national M&E plan and system should address all components of the framework and lay the foundation for regular reviews during the implementation of the national plan
JointAssessmentofNationalHealthStrategies (JANS)
Serves as a global platform/standard for reporting
Tools to Monitor Progress
Evaluation Studies
M&E Framework
Strengthening of a common country platform for M&E of HSS (Health System Strengthening), which should result in better alignment of country and global M&E systems and can be used both for monitoring health systems funding platform and tracking the performance of specific programs
4 key components of M&E Framework
Inputs & Processes
Inputs & Processes
Refers to all the gathered information
Plan of action; any course of action
Merely the results, you cannot identify if a result is good or bad
Evaluates or identifies whether the results or actions are positive or negative
InternationalHealthPartnershipPlus (IHP+)
A global initiative that aims to improve the effectiveness of development assistance in the health sector
The World Health Organization's M&E of Health Systems Strengthening Framework presents the indicator domains and considerations for data collection, synthesis and use along the pathway for achieving health impact at scale
Variable whose value changes, measures the value of the change in meaningful units that can be compared to past and future units, focuses on a single aspect of a program or project - an input, output or the overarching objective
Different HMIS indicators used for monitoringkeyaspects of the health system performance
Diseaseprevention and control
Other Health Programs
Child Mortality and Child Survival Intervention
Stop TBprograms
Vision to have a TB free world, goal to dramatically reduce the global burden of TB by 2015, in line with the Millennium Development Goals and the Stop TB Partnership targets of the World Health Organization (2006)
Philippines's updated Strategic TB Elimination Plan (PhilSTEP I) 2020-23 aims to achieve a 50% reduction in TB mortality and 12% reduction in TB incidence by 2023