
Cards (7)

  • Correlation
    Analyzing two sets of data to show potential relationships between them and how strong the relationship is
  • Correlational study
    • Researcher does not manipulate any variables, they just measure
    • Has two co-variables that the researcher has measured and compares
  • Displaying a correlation
    1. Plot data on a scattergram
    2. Determine if correlation is positive, negative, or zero
  • Correlation coefficient
    Measures the strength of a correlation, ranging from -1 (perfect negative) to 1 (perfect positive), with 0 indicating no correlation
  • Correlation does not show causation
  • Increase in one co-variable
    May not mean the other co-variable is altered, could be due to an unknown third variable
  • Advantages of correlational research
    • Can highlight potential causal relationships for further investigation
    • Often has few ethical problems as it measures pre-existing variables
    • Correlation coefficient is a useful tool for describing strength of correlation