Diphyllobothrium latum

Cards (32)

  • Why is D. latum called "Broadfish Tapeworm"?
    Intermediate host is broadfish
  • D. latum has false belongingness to the family of phyllidea which are usually:
  • Diphyllobothriasis is the most common cause of what disease?
    Vitamin B-12 Deficiency
  • What does Vitamin B-12 Deficiency cause?
    Megaloblastic anemia
  • It is the ciliated larval stage of D. latum
  • Describe the shell of D. latum
    Smooth yellow to brown
  • What is the unique characteristic of D. latum eggs?
    Operculated with abopercular knob
  • Shape of D. latum scolex
  • How many suckers does D. latum have?
  • The two long and prominent sucking grooves are known as
  • Size of D. latum proglottids
    Wider than they are long
  • Appearance of the centrally located uterine structure
    Rosette formation
  • Diagnostic stage of D. latum
    Embryonated eggs and gravid proglottids
  • Infective stage of D. latum
    Plerocercoid larva
  • MOT of D. latum
  • Definitive hosts of D. latum
    Fish-eating animals and human
  • What are the fish-eating animals?
    Birds, dogs, and seals
  • 1st intermediate host of D. latum
  • 2nd intermediate host of D. latum
  • Species of copepods
    Cyclops and Diaptomus
  • What fishes can be the 2nd intermediate host?
    Perch, salmon, trout, and pike
  • Site of infection of D. latum
    Small intestines
  • What condition does Vitamin B12 deficiency mimic?
    Pernicious anemia
  • Define Sparganosis
    Formation of a sparganum
  • Infected subcutaneous tissue often described as white, wrinkled and ribbon-shaped
  • D. latum infection results in:
    Hyperchromic, megaloblastic anemia with thrombocytopenia and leukopenia
  • The vitamin B12 content of D. latum is approximately _ that of T. saginata
    50 times
  • Recommended treatment for vitamin B12 deficiency
    Administer Vitamin B-12
  • What does "hyperchromic" mean?
    Increased hemoglobin
  • Refers to absence of free HCl
  • Drug of choice for D. latum
  • Alternative therapy