Ppknew they were in a researchstudy and may simply have gonealong with what was expected (demandcharacteristics)
Task of identifying lines was relatively trivial and therefore there was really noreasonnot to conform.
Also, according to Fiske (2014), 'Asch's groups were notverygroupy', i.e. they did not really resemblegroups that we experience in everydaylife
Means the findings do not generalise to real-worldsituations, especially those where the consequences of conformity might be important
support from other studies for the effects of taskdifficulty
For example, Lucas et al. (2006) asked their participants to solve
'easy' and '"hard'mathsproblems.
Participants were given answers from three other students (not actually real). The participants conformed more often (i.e. agreed with the wrong answers) when the problems were harder
This shows Asch was correct in claiming that taskdifficulty is one variable that affects conformity
Lucas et al's study found that conformity is more complex than Asch suggested
Participants with highconfidence in their mathsabilitiesconformedless on hardtasks than those with lowconfidence
This shows that an individual-levelfactor can influenceconformity by interacting with situationalvariables (e.g. task difficulty). But Asch did notresearch the roles of individualfactors.