Spanish Duke stationed in the Netherlands and involved in the Spanish Armada
The Duke of Medina-Sidonia
Spanish Duke who led the Spanish Armada
Thomas Percy
Catholic Earl of Northumberland who was one of the Northern Earls who revolted
Charles Neville
Catholic Earl of Westmorland who was one of the Northern Earls who revolted
Thomas Howard
Protestant Northern Earl who revolted and was supposed to marry Mary, Queen of Scots
Roberto Ridolfi
One of the main people in the Ridolfi Plot to remove Elizabeth and replace with Mary
Francis Throckmorton
One of the main people in the Throckmorton Plot to remove Elizabeth and replace with Mary
Anthony Babington
One of the main people in the Babington Plot to remove Elizabeth and replace with Mary
Duke of Alencon
French heir to the throne who helps Elizabeth in the Netherlands
Events at home
1558: Elizabeth crowned queen
1559: Elizabeth's Religious settlement
1563: Statute of Artificers
1568: Mary Queen of Scots flees to England
1569: Revolt of the Northern Earls
1570: Pope excommunicates Elizabeth from Catholic Church
1571: Ridolfi Plot
1572: Vagabonds Act
1576: Poor Relief Act
1583: Throckmorton Plot
1585: All Catholic priests ordered to leave country
1586: Babington Plot
1587: Mary Queen of Scots is executed
1603: Death of Elizabeth
Events abroad
1566: Dutch Revolt
1568: Genoese Loan
1576: Spanish Fury
1576: Pacification of Ghent
1577-80: Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe
1580: Drake knighted
1584: Treaty of Joinville
1585: Treaty of Nonsuch
1585: War begins with Spain
1588: Spanish Armada attacks
1601: Poor Law
Elizabethan society
Clear social structure with nobility at the top, gentry, yeoman, tenant farmers, landless/labouring poor, and vagrants at the bottom
Government had many different organisations that did different jobs
Divine Right
Belief that God had chosen the monarch to rule
Could declare war, dismiss parliament or reject its laws, grant titles or positions to people (patronage)
Secretary of State
Elizabeth's most trusted privy council member, most famous is Sir William Cecil
Elizabeth's character and strengths
Intelligent with excellent grasp of politics, spoke multiple languages, understood court politics and betrayals, had a temper, persuasive and confident speaker, sometimes took a long time to make decisions
Monarch and parliament
Government could raise extraordinary taxes in an emergency, some laws needed to be approved by parliament, Royal Prerogative covered things like foreign policy, monarch's marriage and succession
Early threats and problems for Elizabeth
Gender and marriage
France and Scotland
France and Calais
Reforming the church, changing it to Protestant
Protestantism vs Catholicism
No Pope, Bible and services in English, direct relationship with God, priests not special, plain churches
Pope is head of Church, Bible and services in Latin, need Church to forgive sins, priests are special, highly decorated churches
Religious division in England 1558
Most of country Catholic, clergy problem, geographical divisions, Puritans
Elizabeth's Religious Settlement 1559
1. Act of Supremacy
2. Act of Uniformity
3. Royal injunctions
Impact of Religious Settlement
On clergy: 8000 out of 10,000 priests took Oath of Supremacy
On people: Ordinary people accepted it, new prayer book helped, some Protestants became violent
Enforcing the Religious Settlement
Protestant bishops visited churches, first visits resulted in 400 clergy being fired, some destroyed Catholic decorations