
Cards (7)

  • What is a glacier
    a large mass of long-lasting ice formed by the recrystallization of snow
  • Glacier as systems

    inputs ( precipitation, snow)
    stores (ice)
    flow (transfer)
    ouputs (evaporation, meltwater)
  • accumulation zone

    input is greater than the output, more snow and ice entering than water leaving
  • ablation zone

    output is greater than the input, more ice is lost in melting than snow falling
  • freeze-thaw weathering
    • water fills crack in a rock
    • water freezes and the crack is made wider as the ice expands
    • the rock breaks into several pieces
    • the ice melts into water
    • this process repeats
  • plucking
    • glacier sliding down valley creating pressure on sides and bottom
    • the heat melts small amounts of ice which creates water
    • water enters cracks in rock and freezes around loose particles
    • they are frozen onto the ice mass
    • glacier pulls it out the bedrock or the valley and is carried in the glacier
  • abrasion
    • material being carried by the glacier rubs against the valley sides and bottom as glacier moves
    • this wears the rock away
    • similar to sandpaper