DCT- Death and Afterlife

Cards (54)

  • Soul
    Something that is capable of surviving death, not just linked to the body
  • Christian concept of the soul
    • People have souls which are capable of surviving death
    • Christians reject the idea of bodily rebirth/reincarnation
  • Resurrection
    The idea of a renewed spiritual body continuing the journey into the afterlife
  • Christians teach that life after death will take the form of Resurrection where the person will be given a renewed spiritual body
  • The Pharisees taught of Resurrection whereas the Sadducees taught of no afterlife
  • Jesus's tomb was found empty, implying his Resurrection
  • Doubting Thomas

    Disciple who doubted Jesus had been resurrected until he saw and touched Jesus's wounds
  • The story of Doubting Thomas shows Jesus returned in the exact same physical body that was crucified and buried
  • Possible reasons for the empty tomb

    • Jesus rose from the dead
    • They got the wrong tomb
    • Jesus's tomb was moved
    • Grave robbers stole the body
  • Christians believe the empty tomb and Jesus's appearances showed his actual physical body was resurrected
  • Questions and issues surrounding Resurrection

    • Is it literal or metaphorical?
    • Was Jesus's Resurrection unique or can everyone expect it?
    • What happens if the body is cremated or severely damaged?
    • When does Resurrection happen - immediately or at the end of time?
    • What form will the resurrected body take - physical or spiritual?
    • Will personal identity be preserved?
  • Saint Paul tried to answer early church questions about Resurrection using examples like a seed being sown and raised imperishable
  • Perishable
    Will die, decay, deteriorate
  • Imperishable
    Will not perish in the same way
  • Saint Paul's tent analogy

    Our current body is like an impermanent tent, but the resurrected body will be a more solid, eternal structure
  • Christians believe Resurrection will involve bodily life, evidenced by the empty tomb and Doubting Thomas
  • The resurrected person will be the same person as the one who died, not just a similar person
  • Life after death through Resurrection is seen as a miracle given by the grace and power of God
  • The resurrected person will be the same person as the one who died, not just similar
  • Life after death will be a miracle given by the grace of God
  • Grace of God
    The power and love of God
  • All questions will be answered and things that don't make sense now will be understood, because it is a miracle beyond human understanding
  • Christians believe in the resurrection, based on what happened to Jesus
  • Christians believe in an afterlife, including heaven, purgatory, and hell
  • Parable of the rich man and Lazarus

    • The rich man was too interested in material possessions and ignored the poor man Lazarus
    • When the beggar Lazarus died, the angels carried him to heaven, while the rich man went to hell and was in torment
  • Parable of the sheep and the goats
    • Jesus will separate people based on their deeds, not their beliefs
    • The sheep (those who helped others) will go to eternal life, while the goats (those who failed to help others) will go to eternal punishment
  • Personal identity
    What makes you the person you are, and whether that can be the same in the next life
  • Bernard Williams questioned whether an eternity in heaven would be desirable, as it may become boring
  • Aristotle's concept of the soul

    • The soul is the life principle and distinctive characteristics of a living thing
    • Plants have a vegetative soul, animals have a sensitive soul, and humans have a rational soul
  • Aquinas' concept of the soul

    • The soul allows us to reach our potential and accomplish our purpose
    • Perfect happiness can only be achieved after death, by living eternally in a state of perfect bliss (the beatific vision)
  • Purgatory
    A place or state where the soul is purged of sin, before entering heaven
  • Catholics believe in purgatory, while Protestants do not
  • Purgatory according to Carl Rainer
    The soul becomes aware of the consequences of its sins, and learns from this experience
  • Sin
    The individual's own sin before judgment, the pain is more the self-inflicted pain of recognizing your wrongdoing
  • Purgatory
    Learning and repenting the consequences of the sin that you have done
  • Protestants do not believe in purgatory as it is not in the Bible and not biblically supported
  • Jesus does not talk about purgatory
  • Pope Gregory
    Developed the idea of purgatory from a passage in the Bible about forgiveness in this age or the age to come
  • Hell
    A separation from God for all eternity, a place of eternal punishment and pain
  • A finite sin
    Cannot deserve an infinite punishment, according to David Hume