liturgical worship is a church service that follows a set structure and pattern
non liturgical worship is a church service that doesn't follow a set structure/pattern/text#
why is liturgical worship good?
allows Christians to not miss out on a prayer and it connects worshippers to the rest of the Church because everybody is worshipping in the sameway, creating a sense of belonging.
why is non-liturgical worship good?
gives personal space for Christians to connect with god
can pray at home without a set time
can pray in any language
why is worship important?
worshipping helps Christians connect with god'sdivine presence more and build a stronger relationship with him
whats infant baptism?
Christian practice of baptizing infants when they're young
whats believers baptism?
for adults who are old enough to make decisions to be baptised and understand the deeper meaning
why are people baptised?
they agree to the covenant with the lord to strengthen their faith and be cleansed by the original sin, following Jesus' footsteps
what are 2 christian pilgrimages?
whats so special about the pilgrimage in lourdes?
the spring water has healing powers and miracles revealed by virgin mary. pilgirms bathe in it to cure sickness and disability
whats so special about the pilgrimage in iona?
a place of natural beauty with a thin place between heaven and earth. pilgrims pray/read the bible/reflect
what is the role of the church?
provide a place of worship/support/guidance/foodbanks like the oasis project/social services like medical care =, youthclubs
what does the oasis project provide?
support for those who have low income, housing problems, gone through domesticviolence/abuse and illhealth
whats agape love?
christianunconditional love
what is the role of street pastors?
volunteers dressed in blue who walk around the streets helping those who are drunk or need help and support
how to spread the faith to grow churches?
praying for others to accept god on social media
sharing what god has done for others
working towards reconciliation
what is CAFOD and the purpose of it?
catholic agency that helps people all around the world providing them with
food, water and shelter for those who lost everything during conflicts
increase access to clean water and education
what is christian aid?
stops poverty and provides emergency aid in Africa, Asia and, middle east and south america.
wants to end poverty by helping people all around the world despite the religion/race/nationality
set prayer vs informal prayer:
set prayer= prayers that has been said more than once and written down (LORDSPRAYER)
informal prayer= prayer that is made up using own words
what is eucharist/ holy communion/ last supper?
sacrament that uses bread and wine to remember the events of the last supper and JESUS
what is transubstantiation?
catholics that believe the bread and wine transform and become the literal body and blood of jesus
what is consubstantiation?
protestants that believe the bread and wine symbolisesjesus' body and blood
what is christmas?
celebration of the incarnation of jesus
how is christmas celebrated?
giving to charity
giving presents
spending time with family
attending church services
what is easter?
the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus
how is easter celebrated?
easter sunday churches
celebrated with easter eggs (symbol of life)
what is good friday?
the crucifixionof jesus, someone carries the cross
what is missionary/mission?
spreading the faith by converting others to christainity
what is evangelism?
spreading the words and teachings of Jesus
what is the Great Commission?
jesus commands his disciples to go and spread the gospels and make"disciples of all nations"
an example of evangelism?
The Alpha Course- organisation that allows church members understand the basics of the Christian faith and how to get people involved in the faith
what is persecution?
bad treatement - (attacking Christian homes and churches)
one organisation that helps persecuters
raises awareness for religious persecution
helping the oppressed speak up
how do christians respond to persecution?
they are encouraged to show love and forgiveness towards the persecutors - strengthens faith