climate / population / material, equipment and plant / socio-cultural factor / working with other professionals / construction industry in developingcountry / finance and funding / appropriate technology
Life cycle of projects
s-shaped and j-shaped
All organisms have a ______. They are born, grow, wane, and die. This is true for all living things, for stars and planets, for the products we buy and sell, for our organizations, and for our projects as well.
life cycle
the amount of time it takes to recover the cost of an investment
payback period
NPV means
Net present value
the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows over a period of time
net present value
Also known as sophisticated technique for capital budgeting exercise
net present value
three possibilities of NPV (don't include the word "npv")
positive, zero, negative
what type of NPV when the project is not acceptable
negative npv
Either the interest rate that the federal reserve charges banks for short-term loan or the rate used to discount future cash flow in discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis
Discount Rate
2 methods of Selecting Projects to
Meet Organizational Objectives (don't include the word "method")
Numeric selection and Non-numeric selection
a project often suggested by the top management that has taken on a life of its own
sacred cow
a project that is required in order to protect lives or property or to keep the company in operation
operating necessity
a project that is required in order to maintain the company's position in the marketplace
competitive necessity
Whatever the selection process, the aforementioned project will be approved. It becomes the “_______ “ and will be shown to be technically, if not economically feasible.(consider senior management intelligence and valuable years of experience-as well as subordinate’s desire for long run employment)
sacred cow
One of the most straightforward techniques for ordering a project
q-sort method
Phases of project life cycle (don't include the word "phase")