skeletal ( anaphy )

Cards (75)

  • Functions of the bones

    • Protection
    • Rigidity and form to the body
    • Act as lever
    • Storage of minerals
    • Site for blood formation (Blood Cells)
  • Types of bone tissue

    • Periosteum
    • Compact bone
    • Spongy bone
    • Bone marrow
  • Periosteum
    Tough outer layer of the bone containing blood vessels and nerves
  • Compact bone
    Hard layer that protects the softer bones beneath it
  • Spongy bone

    Bone full of holes, allowing it to be light yet strong
  • Bone marrow
    Jelly-like tissue found within the medullary cavity
  • Hematopoiesis
    Production of blood cells
  • Types of bone cells

    • Osteoblasts (build new bone tissue)
    • Osteocytes (maintain bone tissue health)
    • Osteoclasts (break down old bone tissue)
  • Long bones
    • Relatively cylindrical in shape with two extremities called epiphyses and a metaphysis between each epiphysis and the diaphysis
    • Function chiefly as levers and aid in support, locomotion, and prehension
  • Bones of the thoracic limb
    • humerus, radius, ulna, metacarpals, and phalanges
  • Bones of the pelvic limb

    • femur, tibia, fibula, metatarsals, and phalanges
  • Epiphysis
    Either end of a long bone
  • Metaphysis
    Flared area adjacent to the epiphysis in a mature bone
  • Diaphysis
    Cylindrical shaft of a long bone between the two epiphyses
  • Medullary cavity

    Space surrounded by the cortex of a long bone, filled with red marrow (young animals) or yellow marrow (fat) as the animal ages
  • Compact bone
    Hard layer that constitutes the exterior of most bones and forms almost the entire shaft of long bones
  • Cancellous bone
    Composed of spicules arranged to form a porous network, with the spaces usually filled with marrow
  • Epiphyseal cartilage
    Layer of hyaline cartilage within the metaphysis of an immature bone that separates the diaphysis from the epiphysis
  • Articular cartilage
    Thin layer of hyaline cartilage that covers the articular (joint) surface of a bone
  • Periosteum
    Fibrous membrane that covers the surface of a bone except where articular cartilage is located, containing osteoblasts (bone-producing cells)
  • Endosteum
    Fibrous membrane that lines the marrow cavity and osteonal canals (osteons) of a bone, containing osteoclasts (bone-destroying cells)
  • Short bones
    • Cuboid, or approximately equal in all dimensions
    • No single marrow cavity, the interior is composed of spongy bone
    • Exterior is made up of a thin layer of compact bone
  • Short bones
    Absorb concussion and are found in complex joints such as the carpus ("knee") and tarsus (hock)
  • Flat bones
    • Relatively thin and expanded in two dimensions
    • Consist of two plates of compact bone, the lamina externa and lamina interna, separated by spongy material called diploë
  • Flat bones
    Function chiefly for protection of vital organs
  • Flat bones
    • Skull, scapulae and ribs, and Pelvis
  • Sesamoid bones

    Resemble a sesame seed, occur along the course of tendons to reduce friction, increase leverage, or change the direction of pull
  • Irregular bones

    • Unpaired bones on the median plane, including the vertebrae and some of the unpaired bones of the skull
    • Offer protection, support, and muscular attachment
  • Pneumatic bones
    Contain air spaces or sinuses that communicate with the atmosphere
  • Pneumatic bones
    • The frontal bones and maxillary bones of the skull among mammals, common in birds
  • Parts of the axial skeleton
    • Skull
    • Vertebral column
    • Sternum
    • Ribs
  • Thoracic vertebrae

    • Have special surfaces against which the ribs move during breathing
  • Grazing animals
    Have extra large spines on their cervical and thoracic vertebrae for muscles to attach to
  • Lumbar vertebrae
    • Large strong vertebrae with prominent spines for the attachment of the large muscles of the lower back
  • Sacral vertebrae
    Fused into one solid bone called the sacrum that sits within the pelvic girdle
  • Coccygeal vertebrae

    Small bones in the tail
  • Skull
    Part of the skeleton within the head, consisting of cranial bones surrounding the brain and facial bones, protecting the brain
  • The skull of mammals consists of 30 separate bones
  • Cranium
    The "box" enclosing and protecting the brain
  • Parts of the vertebral column
    • Cervical vertebrae (C) - neck region
    • Thoracic or dorsal (T) - chest region
    • Lumbar (L) - loin region
    • Sacral (S) - in region of pelvis
    • Fused Lumbar and Sacral (LS) - in fowl
    • Caudal or Coccygeal (Cd) - located in tail