At the personal level, finance is concerned with individuals' decisions about:?
In a business context, finance involves:
firms raise money from investors
firms invest money in an attempt to earn a profit
firms decide whether to reinvestprofits in the business or distribute them back to investors
Financial Services is the area of finance concerned with the design and delivery of advice and financial products to individuals, businesses, and government.
A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person and operatied for his or her own profit.
A partnership is a business owned by two or morepeople and operated for profit.
A corporation is an entity created by law.
Cooperatives are people-centeredenterprises owned, controlled and run by and their members to relies their common economic, social, and cultural need and aspirations.
Financial means procuringsources of moneysupply and allocation of these sources on the basis of forecasting monetary requirement of the business.
management refers to planning, organizing, directing, and controllinghumanactivities and organizationalresources effectively and efficiently for achieving goals of the enterprise.
Financial Management means planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the financialactivities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise.
Financial management is generallyconcerned with procurement, allocation, and control of financialresources.
Financial management is mainly concerned with the propermanagement of funds.
Financial Management (Corporate Finance) decisions on acquiringassets, raisingcapital, maximize its value.
Capital Market, relates to the market where interest rates are determined
Investment, decisionsconcerningstocksandbonds.
The principle of risk and return, rates of return
the time value of money principle, inflation rate, value decreased when time passes.
cash flow principle, cash inflow and outflow, prefers earlier more benefits.
The principle of profitability and liquidity, investors perspective on marketability of investment, ensure maximization of profits.
Principles of diversity, optimum portfolio through diversification of investment, invest in risk-free investment
The hedging principle of finance, loan from appropriatesources (provides protection), financing used to long-term sources.
Investment Decision
Long-TermAssets - capitalbudgeting/fixedassets
Short-TermAssets - workingcapitalmanagement
Financing decision
Financing mix, the mix of debt and equity/capitalstructure
Dividend Decision, maximizes the value of shares and wealth of the shareholders
Decision rule for manager: onlytakeactions that are expected to increase the shareprice.
Profit maximization (traditionalapproach) allocation of resources for profitable and desirable areas for short-term concept
Wealth maximization (modernapproach) real net present value maximization concern with cash flow, earnings per share of shareholders and social value.
Stakeholders are groups such as employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, owners, and others who have a direct economic link to the firm.