Democratisation; targets include the unelected House of Lords; the unrepresentative electoral system; arguable that this has been completed in the devolved nations but not in the UK Parliament or House of Lords.
Decentralisation; Devolution has been successful; decentralised police and crime commissioners; arguably devolution not working in Northern Ireland.
Stronger rights protection; Human Rights Act 1998 enshrined the ECHR into UK law; Freedom of Information Act 2001; greater use of community sentences; however, more anti-terror laws so no.
Successes of constitutional reform in the UK since 1997
Judicial Reform.
Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Partial successes of devolution since 1997
House of Lords; failure to make it an elected chamber, but improvement in expertise of members
House of Commons; improvements to select committees.
Human Rights Act 1998; increasing rights-based culture in UK; however, anti-terror measures have limited rights and freedoms.