Increase in function that occurs through growth, maturation and learning
Developmental milestones
Predictablepatterns/stages that are sequential, orderly and progressive
1month to 1year old
Anterior fontanel
Closes by 18 months
Posterior fontanelle
Closes by 2-3 months
Infant weight
Doubles by 4-6 months
Triples by 1 year old
Infant length
Increases by 1 inch per month for first 6 months
Increases by 1/2 inch per month for next 6 months
Increases by 50% by 1 year old
Infant teeth
First tooth 6-10 months old
6-8 teeth by 1 year old
Motor development
1. Moro, tonicneck and rooting reflexes disappear by 3-4 months
2. Rapid acceleration in 5th and 6th month - can reach, grasp, turn from belly to back
3. 6-7 months - transfer object hand to hand
4. 6-9 months - start to explore by crawling
Piaget's sensorimotor stage
(Birth to 2 years) Progresses from reflexive to simple repetitive to imitative activities. Infants experience the world through senses and attempts to control environment
Child's self-absorption and inability to see the world from anyone else's point of view
Object permanence
Develops 8-12 months - object exists even when out of sight
Mental processing
Instead of randomly selecting approaches, they choose actions that were successful in the past
Erikson's "Trust vs Mistrust"
Develops in first year based on quality of caregiver-infant relationship and care received
Stranger anxiety
Strong feelings of attachment enable infant to differentiate caregivers from strangers, peaks at 6-7 months and again in toddler years
Language development
1. Strong cry
2. Cooing
3. Responds to sound
4. Turns head at sound
5. Laughs and smiles
6. Social smile by 12 weeks
7. 8-9 months - strings vowels, first words
8. 9-12 months - 2-3 word vocabulary
9. Comprehends "no" by 1 year
Vital signs
Rectal temp is gold standard for infants
Temporal temp best for over 3 months
No tympanic for under 2 years
Apical pulse for 1 full minute under 2 years
Irregular respiratory rates in infants, best to count when sleeping or quiet
Infant temperature
97.7-99.3°F axillary
Infant pulse
80-150 bpm
Infant respirations
25-55 per minute
Infant oxygen saturation
Greater than 97%
Infant blood pressure
Systolic 65-100 mmHg
Diastolic 45-65 mmHg
Nutrition 1-6 months
Exclusive breastfeeding or iron-fortified formula
No cow's milk
No honey
100% fruit juices 4-6 oz/day after 6 months
Start solids 4-6 months - iron-fortified cereal first