Visual Illusions

Cards (7)

  • Ponzo
    Converging parallel lines similar to railway tracks,with two separate identical lines across. - the upper line appears bigger
  • Mullerlyer
    two identical lines with arrow shapes either pointing in or out. The line lengths with arrows pointing in appears to be larger than with arrowd pointing out.
  • Rubin’s vase
    image that can be viewed either as two faces looking at each other or as a vase- the brain often switches between the two perspectives
  • Ames room
    3 dimensional room structure that appears to be a normal room but is distorted so it appears people moving within the room grow and shrink
  • kanizsa triangle
    circles missing a section and lines , cause the illusion of perceiving a non-existent triangle in the centre is lighter than the background
  • necker cube
    a wire frame drawing of a 3D cube that can be interpeted as having either of the two sides facing out
  • Ambiguity: having more than one possible meaning or interpretation
    Fiction: the perception of an object or movement that is not present in the stimulus
    Misinterpreted depth cues: when a depth cue is used inappropriately
    Size constancy: the way we keep our original perception of the size of an object, even when the information received by the eyes changes
    Visual illusion: a visual perception which is wrong or misinterprets what is actually there in reality