methods in context

Cards (16)

  • participant observation is when the sociologist actively joins in with their research
  • non-participant observation is when the researcher doesnt actively join in with their research
  • covert observation is when the researcher doesnt reveal that they are doing research on an individual or group
  • overt observation is when participants are aware then are being observed
  • field experiment is when the research takes place in the participants natural enviroment
  • laboratory experiments take place in a controlled or artificial environment so are rarely used in sociology
  • group interviews are research interviews with a a couple of people
  • unstructured interviews is when there is no specific questions and order that needs to be followed
  • structured interviews is when there are set questions that the interviewer must follow
  • surveys/questionnaires are when a researcher asks questions to their participants with online or on paper to gather a large amount of data on a large sample size
  • official statistics are collected by the goverment and it agencies e.g. department of education, health services and the CJS
  • Primary data is when the data is collected first hand by the researcher themselves
  • secondary data is when researchers used other researchers data to form their own data
  • qualitative are rich in detail and get to the root of the problem
  • quantitative data uses numerical data to create patterns and trends
  • documents are personal, public or historical