Particle Physics

Subdecks (1)

Cards (126)

  • Specific Charge Equation
    specific charge = charge / mass
  • Specific charge unit
  • Relative Charge
    overall charge
    e.g. 2+ ion => relative charge of 2
  • Specific Charge of Atoms
    is zero because they are neutral due to the balance of protons and electrons
  • 4 Fundemental Forces
    • Strong Nuclear Force
    • Electromagnetic force
    • Gravitational force
    • weak interaction
  • Force responsible for repulsion by like forces?
  • Which force provides attraction in the nucleus
    The strong nuclear force provides attraction between nucleons at appropriate distances
  • Exchange Particle of Electromagnetic force
    Virtual Photon
  • Exchange Particle for weak nuclear force
    W boson (+ or -)
  • What are exchange particles?
    Exchange particles are responsible for carrying the four fundemental Forces between two interacting particles
  • Relative charge of an antineutrinl
  • Relative charge of a neutrino
  • Relative charge of a positron?
  • What happens in alpha decay?
    Emission of an alpha particle, leading to the proton number to decrease by 2 and the nucleon number to decrease by 4
  • What happens in beta minus decay? (β-)

    A neutron in the nucleus decays into a proton, electron and electron antineutrino.
    This causes the proton number to increase by one while the nucleon number remains the same
  • What happens in beta plus decay? (β+)

    A proton in the nucleus decays into a neutron, positron and an electron neutrino.
    This causes the proton number to decrease by one and the nucleon number to remain the same.
  • Why neutrino was hypothesised?
    To account for energy that needed to be conserved
  • What is a photon?
    A discrete particle of electromagnetic radiation
  • E = hf
    where E is photon energy
    where h is Plancks constant
    where f is frequency
  • Relationship between photon energy and frequency?

    Directly proportional
  • How convert J to eV
    divide J by the charge of an electron
  • photons travel at the speed
    of light in a vacuum
  • E=hf can also be written as
    E= (hc)/λ
  • p=E/c
    where p is photon momentum
    where E is energy
    where c is speed of light
  • What happens during annihilation?
    Particle and its antiparticle collide, they become two photons. this is to conserve energy and momentum
  • What does pair production look like?
    high energy photon creates a particle-antiparticle pair
  • What is rest mass energy?
    The energy a particle has due to its mass, the energy due to being stationary
  • What are hadrons?
    Hadrons are particles made of quarks
    • Baryons and mesons are hadrons
  • What are leptons
    Fundemental particles
  • What does fundemental mean?
    The particle cannot be broken down further as they are not made of other particles
  • Baryon number of proton and antiproton
    Proton - 1
    Anti proton- -1
  • What is a baryon?
    A hadron made of 3 quarks
  • What is a meson?
    A hadron made of a quark-antiquark pair
  • Can leptons feel the SNF?
    They are outside of the nucleus
  • Most stable baryon
  • How does a muon decay?

    Decays into an electron, an electron antineutrino and a muon neutrino
  • What is a quark?
    Fundemental that combine to form hadrons
  • Proton quark composition
  • Neutron quark composition
  • Composition of a π+ meson

    u (anti)d