A language skill which can be developed through constant practice. It is a complex cognitive process. It is also highly visual because it involves the transmission of messages through the optic nerves
Shows your interest in the university while justifying why you are qualified at the same time. It also serves as a cover letter for all your other college admission documents
The writer's greeting to the reader. Use (,) if you know the receiver and he/she knows you, use (:) if the receiver doesn't know you and you are not close enough
Present your academic qualifications, extracurricular involvement, community activity engagements, and some personal qualities with specific evidence. Organize your thoughts and segregate them into paragraphs. State the benefits the university can obtain by admitting you
A job application letter or cover letter is a type of personal business correspondence which states your intention to work in a particular organization. It should be enclosed every time you send your résumé
Present your work experience, academic qualifications, trainings, and some personal qualities with specific evidence. Organize your paragraphs accordingly. Explain the benefits to the employers if they hire you
Indicate your interestforaninterview at a time most convenient to the employer, indicatehowtheinterviewercancontactyou, express an expectationofapositiveresponse, thank the employer
A tool that summarizesyourskills, educationalbackground, experiences, and other qualifications. It is also called curriculum vitae, but this is a more detailed type of resume
Include your name, address, contact number and e-mail address. Do not include marital status, height, weight, religion, name of parents, and color of eyes and hair
Use this when you have at least five years of professional experience. It should consist of one to four strong sentences that will highlight your experiences and accomplishments. It should be written in the third person and in an active voice
An optional part of a resume that includesjobtitle, function, industry, and whatyoucanoffer to the company. Objective statement is appropriate for recent graduates
Neverputanythingthatisnotahundredpercenttrue. Begin with the mostrecentexperience. Each job mentioned must include the name and the address of the employer, the inclusive dates (month and year), and brief job description. Donotusemanyadjectivesandsuperlatives, aswellasjargon. Do not state your past and presentsalary.Reserveitforthefinalinterview. Do not clutter your text. Use generous spacing and bullet lists
Start with the most recent educational attainment. Include the name and address of the school, years attended or year of graduation, degree, and specialization. List academic honors, scholarships, and extracurricular activities
Show your skills through past events. Be clear with your strengths and communicate them well. Include transferrable skills, such as managerial skills, professional qualities, personal qualities, entrepreneurial qualities
Include only trainings that have a bearing on the job position you are applying for. Include the title of the training, organizer, date, and venue. Start with the most recent training