atomic structure

Cards (10)

  • IE of same element : no. of protons remain unchanged hence nuclear charge remains constant. screening effect decreases and remaining electrons are held more strongly and closer to the nucleus. more energy is required to remove remaining electrons
  • IE down a group : no. of protons increases hence nuclear charge increases, screening effect increases. valence electrons are further away and held less strongly by nucleus. less energy required to remove remaining electrons.
  • IE across a period : no. of protons increases, nuclear charge increase, screening effect remains approximately constant, valence electron more strongly held by nucleus, more energy required to remove remaining valence electrons
  • 1st IE for group 2 &13 / electrons removed in diff subshell : 1st electron removed from group 13 atom is np electron, group 2 atom is ns electron, p electron is further away from nucleus, less strongly attracted to nucleus, less energy required to remove
  • 1st IE for group 15 & 16/ paired and unpaired : 1st electron removed from group 16 is paired np electron, experiences inter-electronic repulsion, less energy required to remove
  • angle of deflection proportionalproportional charge / mass
  • shape of s orbital : spherical, non directional
  • shape of p orbital : dumb-bell shape , directional
  • EC of Cr: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1
  • EC of Cu: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1