
Cards (38)

  • Ethers have the largest bond angles: 112 degrees
  • Ether acts as a hydrogen bond acceptor
  • Alcohol acts as a hydrogen bond donor
  • The boiling point of ether is lower than alcohol
  • Ethers are unreactive and thus used as solvents for organic reactions
    Dissolve a wide variety of organic compounds
    Low boiling point
  • Crown Ethers

    Ethers that interact with metals (Full or partial positive charge)
  • Grignard Reagents
    ○ Formed in the presence of an ether (such as diethyl ether)
    ○ Lone pairs on the oxygen atom stabilize the charge on the magnesium atoms (interactions is weak)
  • Nomenclature of Crown Ethers
    • X indicates the total number of atom in the ring and Y represents the number of oxygen atoms
  • 12-crown-4
    Solvates Li+
  • 15-crown-5
    Solvates Na+
  • 18-crown-6
    Solvates K+
  • Crown Ethers
    A) 12-crown-4
    B) 15-crown-5
    C) 18-crown-6
  • Williamson Ether Synthesis
    A) NaH
    B) RX
  • Alkoxymercuration-demercuration of ethers
    markovnikov reaction, anti-addition
    A) Hg(OAc)2
    B) ROH
    C) NaBH4
    D) RO
    E) H
  • Acidic cleavage
    heated with a concentrated solution of a strong acid (HX)
    A) HX
  • Acidic cleavage example:
    A) OH
    B) RX
  • Autooxidation
    Ethers undergo autoxidation in the presence of atmospheric oxygen to form hydroperoxides
    A) O2
    B) OOH
  • Oxirane or Epoxide

    Cyclic ethers containing a three-membered ring system.● This ring system is more reactive than other ethers because it has significant ring strain.
    A) Oxirane
    B) Oxetane
    C) Oxolane
    D) Oxane
  • Preparation of Epoxide with Peroxy acids
    commonly used peroxy acid: MCPBA, RCO3H
    A) RCO3H
  • Preparation of Epoxides from Halohydrins
    Halohydrins can be converted into epoxides upon treatment with a strong base
    Reaction below summarizes alkanes -> halohydrins -> epoxides
    A) Br2
    B) NaOH
  • Summary of epoxidation
    Substituents that are cis to each other remain cis. Same goes for trans
    A) MCPBA
    B) Br2
    C) NaOH
  • When forming an epoxide that is chiral, each of the previous methods will provide a racemic mixture.
  • Enantioselective Epoxidation
    • To favor formation of just one enantiomer, we must favor epoxidation at one face of the alkene through a chiral catalyst called Sharpless' catalyst
  • Sharpless epoxidation
    A) (-)-DET
    B) (+)-DET
  • Ring-Opening Epoxide
    A) strong nucleophile
    B) NaOH
    C) H3O
    D) acid
  • Ring Opening conditions
    The opening of Epoxide exhibit important features
    1. Regiochemistry
    • Favors attack at the less substituted position
    • When the epoxide possesses only primary and secondary positions, this effect will be dominant
    2. Electronic effect
    • Favors attack at the more substituted position
    • When the epoxide possesses a tertiary position, this effect will be dominant.
    3. Stereochemistry - When the attack takes place at a chiral center, inversion of configuration is observed
  • Thiol
    Sulfur analogs of alcohols contain an SH group in place of an OH group
  • Thiol nomenclature
    When another functional group is present in the compound, the SH group is named as a substituent and is called a mercapto group
  • Oxidation of Thiol
    Thiols easily undergo oxidation to produce disulfides. This requires an oxidizing reagent
    A) Br2
    B) NaOH / H2O
  • Formation of Thiol
    A) NaSH
  • Sulfides
    The sulfur analogs of ethers, also called thioethers.
  • Sulfide nomenclature
    When another functional group is present in the compound, the S-R group is named as a substituent and is called alkylthio group
  • Formation of Sulfide from Thiol
    also follows Williamson ether synthesis
    A) NaOH
    B) RX
  • Oxidation of Sulfide
    strong reagent to reach 3rd oxidation: 2 H2O2
    weak reagent to reach 2nd oxidation: NaIO4
    A) Sulfide
    B) Sulfoxide
    C) Sulfone
  • Acid-catalyzed Epoxides
    Ring-opening reactions can also occur under acidic conditions
    A) HX
  • Thiol reactions summary
    A) NaSH
    B) NaOH/H2O
    C) Br2
    D) HCl
  • Sulfide reactions
    A) NaOH
    B) RX
    C) MeX
    D) H2O2
    E) NaIo4
    F) H2O2
    G) sulfide
    H) Sulfoxide
    I) sulfone
  • Ring-opening epoxide
    1, Strong nucleophiles:
    • NaOR
    • NaCN
    • NaSR
    • RMgBr
    • LiAlH4
    2, acidic workup: H3O+