Christians believe there is only one God (monotheism)
"We believe in one God" The Nicene Creed
God is omnipotent
all-powerful and unlimited authority
God is benevolent
all-loving, uses his power to do good
God is just
God will never support injustice, ill-treatment, prejudice or oppression
Christians believe there are three persons in the one God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Each person of the Trinity is fully God, the persons of the Trinity are not the same
God the Father
the creator of all life, acts as a good father towards his children, he is all powerful (omnipotent), all loving (omnibenevolent) all knowing (omniscient) and present everywhere (omnipresent)
God the Son
became incarnate through Jesus who was both fully human while on Earth and fully God at all times. Jesus is called the Son of God to show his special relationship to God the Father
God the Holy Spirit
the unseen power of God at work in the world, who influences, guides and sustains life on Earth
Christians believe in creation by God, the act by which God brought the universe into being
God, the Father, chose to design and create the earth and all life on it
The Holy Spirit was active in the creation
Genesis 1:1-3
The Word, God the Son or Jesus, was active in the creation
John 1:1-3
The Trinity existed from the beginning and was involved in the creation