What does "look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it" show? Part 1
The imperative verb of "look" implies the power she has overMacbeth and how he is easilymanipulated
The adjective "innocent" shows connotations of righteousness and nobility
The image of "flower" shows that she wants Macbeth to seem delicate which is a contrast to what he actually is
What does "look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it" show? Part two
The image of "serpent" shows connotations of evil and cruelty
The juxtaposition of "flower" and "serpent" implies how Lady Macbeth has a duplicitous nature that is easilypassed of when in Act 1, Scene 4, KingDuncan gives Lady Macbeth a ring for being a "fair and noble hostess"