What is the phyla under Angiosperms? Give its common name.
Anthophyta (Flowering plants)
Nonvascular plants lack vascular tissues, what do they have to replace them?
Hydroids and testoids.
Which lineages are the earliest to diverge from the common ancestor of land plants?
Hepatophyta, Bryophyta, and Anthocerophyta
What do you call organisms that are grouped based on key biological features?
A grade.
True or False: Seedless vascular plants form clades.
False. They can be divided into clades but do not form a clade themselves.
What does thalloid mean?
It describes a plant body that is not separated into roots, leaves and stems.
Why are the organisms in Phylum Hepatophyta called liverworts?
Thalloid liverworts were thought to help treat liver diseases.
Describe the characteristics of Phylum Bryophyta (Mosses).
They mainly consist of green gametophytes and elongated sporophytes that turn tan when ready to release spores.
Describe the characteristics of Phylum Anthocerophyta (Hornworts)
Hornwort sporophytes lack seta and only have one sporangium that splits open starting at the tip of the “horn”. Their symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria allow them to quickly colonize moist soil.
True or False: In all bryophytes, sporophyte and gametophytes are co-dominant.
False.Gametophytes are larger and longer-living than sporophytes.
What is a bryophyte gametophyte made of?
It consists of a protonema and 1 or more gamete-producing gametophores.
What is a protonema?
It is a green, branched, single-cell-thick structure that increases the surface area for water absorption.
How are gametophores formed?
They are formed when protonemata grow "buds" with apical meristems.
Why aren't mosses tall in height like other plants?
They can only form moss carpets because their lack of vascular tissuesconstrains the height of gametophytes.
What are rhizoids and how do they help bryophytes?
They are filaments of cells and help anchor the bryophytes' gametophytes to substrate. They are not composed of tissues and lack specialized conducting cells.