lecture 6c

Cards (68)

  • Protists
    mostly heterotrophs
    unicellular, colonial, multicellular
    mostly motile
    free living in aquatic (marine, freshwater) and terrestrial
  • Protists
    makes majority of the plankton
  • Polyphyletic
    Protists used to described diverse group of microscopic eukaryotic organisms and is not a formal taxonomic term because organisms does not share evolutionary origin. They also do not share the same common ancestor which means it is ________
  • Endocytosis
    general term describing a process by which cells absorb external material by engulfing it with cell membrane
  • Vesicle
    Endocytosis occurs when a portion of the cell cytoplasm moves forward and surrounds the particle that has come in contact with the cell membrane. The movement of the cytoplasm continues until the particle is completely engulfed in a pocket called
  • Lysosome
    Fuses with the vesicle and is responsible for the digestion of the particle.

    Are membranous organelles
    composed of digestive, hydrolytic enzymes which include maltases, sucrases, lipases, and nucleases. These enzymes are
    involved in digesting the macromolecules.
  • phagocytosis
    engulfing and digesting of microscopically visible particles (amoeba and other protozoan)
  • pinocytosis
    engulfing and digesting dissolved particles "cell drinking"
  • Trophozoite
    Is the vegetative form, non-infectious, metabolically active invasive stage and form that inhabits the gut of its host
  • Cyst
    Dormant yet infectious form and functions to protect against adverse conditions, site for nuclear reorganization and cell division, and means of transfer between hosy
  • entamoeba
    forms cysts that are transmitted from person to person by fecal contamination of water, food, and eating utensils.
    During the encystment process, the protozoan cell undergoes a series of changes that considerably reduce the complexity of the organism.
  • Pellicle
    bands of protein inside the membrane that
    adds rigidity to the cell of a euglena
  • Phototaxis
    locomotory movement that occurs when a whole organism moves towards or away from stimulus of light. This is advantageous for phototrophic organisms as they can orient themselves most efficiently to receive light for photosynthesis.
  • Stigma
    for phototaxis of a euglena
  • chloroplast
    for photosynthesis of a euglena
  • Ectoplasm
    ·Semisolid/ gelatinous cytoplasm that imparts rigidity to cell

    · Outer, non-granulated layer of cytoplasm

    · Typically watery and immediately adjacent to the cytoplasm
  • Endoplasm
    · Area inside ectoplasm that contains most of the organelles

    · Inner, often granulated denser part of cytoplasm
  • Macronucleus
    regulates somatic functions
    (locomotion, osmoregulation,
    cell regeneration, feeding) by
    directing protein synthesis
  • micronucleus
    functions in sexual reproduction,
    regeneration of macronucleus
  • food vacuole

    - sites of food digestion
    - fuses with lysosomes
  • contractile vacuole

    - for excretion, osmo-regulation and water balance (example is paramecium which has 2 of these_
  • pseudopodia
    "false feet" are blunt lobe-like extensions of the cytoplasm
  • flagella
    thin, long whip-like projections
    arising from the surface of the cell
  • cilia
    similar to but shorter and more
    numerous than flagella
  • Carbon carbonate and silica

    shells of protists are made of?
  • Foraminiferans
    calcium-carbonate shelled protists
  • diatoms and radiolarians
    silica shelled protists
  • Holozoic
    Food-taking type that employs phagocytosis (e.g., Entamoeba histolytica and Balantidium coli)
  • saprozoic
    Food-taking type when nutrients cross plasma membrane by pinocytosis, diffusion, carrier-mediated transport or osmosis by the process of osmotrophy (e.g., chilomonas, polytoma, and some species of euglena)
  • Syngamy and conjugation

    Sexual reproduction processes of protists
  • conjugation
    exchange of nuclei between two organisms
  • Schizony
    multiple fission where nucleus of the cell
    divides multiple times before the rest of the cell
  • Fission, budding, schizony

    Asexual reproduction processes of protists
  • Excavata
    Key Genera: Giardia, Trichomonas, Trypanosoma, Euglena
  • parabasalids, euglenids, kinetoplastids, diplomonads

    groups of excavata
  • Excavata
    Super group of protists that

    • includes both chemoorganotrophs and phototrophs

    • some species anaerobic motile via flagella

    • Habitat - anoxic habitats (such as animal intestines),

    • some free-living; others may live as either symbionts or
    as parasites
  • Diplomonads
    -serious common diseases in fish, domestic animals, and humans

    - contain two nuclei of equal size, each
    with 4 associated flagella

    - with mitosomes (modified

    - some free-living, most are commensal

    - can be parasitic and anaerobic
  • Parabasalids
    - contain parabasal body (for
    structural support), lacks mitochondria
    - with hydrogenosome
    - anaerobic
    - binary fission
    - live in intestinal and urogenital tract
    of vertebrates and invertebrates as
    parasites or commensal symbionts
  • Hydrogenosome
    site for
    pyruvate metabolism of a parabasalids
  • Kinetoplastids
    - From subgroup excavata that contain kinetoplast
    - with single flagellum
    - free-living found in soil or
    aquatic environment
    - primarily feed on bacteria,
    some parasites of humans
    and vertebrate animals