
Cards (7)

  • Crimean War:
    • Expansion of the railway system. Using foreign loans nearly 2 billion roubles were spent on constructing over 20,000km of track between 1861 and 1878. In a relatively short space of time, Russia a transport system that boosted its ability to deal with logistical problems of expanding, protecting and maintaining an empire
  • Russo-Turkish War:
    • Showed progress in Russian industrialisation
    • Treaty of San Stefano gave Russia a substantial amount of money and territory
    • But the war brought about a financial crisis and the collapse of the rouble, which wasn’t helped by a run of bad harvests in 1878-81, causing further unrest
  • Russo-Japanese War:
    • Further investment in transport
  • WW1:
    • War cost 3 billion roubles. More money was printed, leading to inflation of 400% by 1917, increasing the chances of revolution
  • Civil War:
    • War Communism and NEP caused unrest. NEP seen as a capitalist approach to economic policy, contradicting ideology
  • WW2:
    • 30% of pre-war economy had been destroyed
    • 65,000 km of railroad destroyed 
    • Gained territory after the war
  • Cold War:
    • High financial cost - Space race and Arms race
    • 1947 Marshall Plan - rejected by Molotov