Despite the gov structurally changing between 1855 and 1964, it was constantly dominated by one party and only gave the illusion of democracy
Both Nich II and Stalin appeared to make democratic changes, but really they were just consolidating power
Alex II:
1861: Committee of Ministers established
Council of Ministers was abandoned in 1882 and its duties were shared out among other organs of the government
Nich II:
1905: Duma introduced the main role to debate proposed legislation. But, the Fundamental Laws kept autocracy. The Tsar could dissolve Duma and rule without it.
Prov Gov:
Dual authority between the Prov Gov and Petrograd Soviet
All-Russian Congress of Soviets and the Central Executive Committee (CEC)
Jan 1918: closing down of the Constituent Assembly
1921: Ban on factions (undermined internal party democracy)
1936 Constitution introduced significant political changes, but Article 126 of Stalin’s constitution ensured that the Supreme Soviet was really the Communist Party’s puppet
Despite the gov structurally changing between 1855 and 1964, it was constantly dominated by one party and only gave the illusion of democracy
Both Nich II and Stalin appeared to make democratic changes, but really they were just consolidating power