
Cards (20)

  • Glycolysis: Cytoplasm
    1. Glucose is phosphorylated to glucose phosphate by (2x) ATP
    2. Glucose phosphate splits into 2x triose phosphate (TP)
    3. (2x) TP is oxidised to (2x) pyruvate
    • Net gain of (2x) reduced NAD & (2x) ATP per glucose
  • Glycolysis
    The first stage of anaerobic & aerobic respiration, occurs in the cytoplasm, is an anaerobic process
  • Aerobic respiration

    1. Glycolysis
    2. Link reaction: Oxidation of pyruvate to acetate, producing NADH
    3. Krebs cycle
    4. Oxidative Phosphorylation via ETC
  • Link Reaction: Mitochondrial matrix
    • Oxidation of pyruvate to acetate - produces NADH
    • Acetate combines with coenzyme A (CoA), producing acetyl coenzyme A
    Acetyl coenzyme A reacts with a 4-C compound, releasing CoA & producing a 6-C compound that enters the Krebs cycle.
  • Anaerobic respiration

    1. Only glycolysis continues
    2. Pyruvate is converted to ethanol or lactate using reduced NAD
  • If respiration is aerobic
    Pyruvate from glycolysis enters the mitochondrial matrix by active transport
  • Krebs Cycle: Mitochondrial Matrix
    Series of redox reactions produces:
    • ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation
    • Reduced coenzymes (NADH)
    • CO2 is lost
  • Oxidative Phosphorylation via ETC: Inner membrane of cristae
    NADH (Krebs cycle) split into H & NAD; H split into a proton & an e-:
    • e- passed through ETC down energy gradient, releasing energy;
    • Energy used to actively pump H+ against their conc gradient into inter membrane space. Creates an electrochemical gradient & causes H+ to diffuse back into mitochondria via ATPase
    • Energy from this is used to phosphorylate ADP (& Pi) to ATP - catalysed by ATP synthase
    Oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor - H2O byproduct
  • ETC: Oxygen
    Acts as the final electron acceptor; The leftover proton, combines with oxygen & electron to produce water
  • Respiratory substrates

    Breakdown products of lipids (glycerol & fatty acids) & amino acids, which enter Krebs cycle
  • The benefit of an ETC rather than a single reaction is that energy is released gradually + less energy is released as heat
  • Lipids as respiratory substrate
    1. Lipid → glycerol + fatty acids
    2. Phosphorylation of glycerol -› TP for glycolysis
    3. Fatty acid -> acetate; acetate enters link reaction
    4. H atoms produced for oxidative phosphorylation
  • Anaerobic respiration in animals

    1. Only glycolysis continues
    2. Reduced NAD + pyruvate → oxidised NAD (for further glycolysis) + lactate
  • Anaerobic respiration in some microorganisms e.g. yeast & some plant cells

    1. Only glycolysis continues
    2. Pyruvate is decarboxylated to form ethanal
    3. Ethanal is reduced to ethanol using reduced NAD to produce oxidised NAD for further glycolysis
  • Advantage of producing ethanol/ lactate during anaerobic respiration
    It converts reduced NAD back into NAD so glycolysis can continue
  • Disadvantage of producing ethanol during anaerobic respiration

    Cells die when ethanol concentration is over 12%; Ethanol dissolves cell membranes
  • Disadvantage of producing lactate during anaerobic respiration
    Acidic, so decreases pH; Results in muscle fatigue
  • Similarities between aerobic & anaerobic respiration
    • Both involve glycolysis; Both require NAD; Both produce ATP
  • Difference between aerobic & anaerobic respiration
    Aerobic produces ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation & oxidative phosphorylation, & produces much more ATP. Anaerobic produces ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation only, produces fewer ATP & produces ethanol or lactate.
  • Investigating the effect of a named variable on the rate of respiration of a single-celled organism
    1. Use a respirometer (pressure changes in the boiling tube cause a drop of coloured liquid to move)
    2. Use a dye as the terminal electron acceptor for the ETC
    3. Rate of respiration using a respirometer = V of 0 produced or CO, consumed/ time x mass of sample
    4. Volume = distance moved by coloured drop x (0.5 x capillary tube diameter)2 × m