any bodily movements produced by a skeletal muscle that results in energy expenditure is called Physical Activity
a planned and purposeful activity undertaken to promote health and fitness is called Structured Physical Activity.
a not planned and is the result of daily activities and work at home or during public transportaion is called Incidental Physical Activity.
the numbers of domains physical activity has is Four.
the four domains of physical activity are Occupational, Domestic, Transportation, and Leisure Time.
domain that includes manual labor tasks is Occupational.
domain that includes housework and yardwork is Domestic.
domain that includes walking, bicycling and going somewhere is Transportation.
domain that includes discretionary or recreational activities such as sports or hobbies is Leisure Time.
the four dimensions of Physical activity are Mode, Frequency, Intensity, and Duration.
time of the activity during the specific time frame is called Duration.
the rate of expenditure and the indicator of metabolic demand of the activity is called Intensity.
the specific activity performed (aerobic vs anaerobic) is called Mode.
the number of sessions per day/week is called Frequency.
Intensities are broadly categorized according to energy expenditure using Metabolic Equivalent Tasks (METs).
a KiloCalorie is equivalent to 1000 calorie.
a measure of the energy value of food is called KiloCalorie.
unit that estimates the amount of energy used by the body during physical activity is called Metabolic Equivalent Tasks (METs).
a plan that helps you make gradual but steady progress towards your goal is called Personal Fitness Plan.
the first step in making personal fitness plan is Getting Medical Clearance.
the second step in making personal fitness plan is Assessing Yourself.
the third step in making personal fitness plan is Setting Goals.
the last step in making personal fitness plan is Choosing Activities for a Balanced Program.
a consideration that choosing activities you enjoy doing is under Fun and Interest.
the influences that affect the amount of improvement and the ultimate level you can expect to obtain through physical training are Heredity and Current Fitness Level.
helps people to vividly visualize the right proportion and amount of food needed to maintain health. Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide.
PASOO stands for Philippine Association for the Study of Overweight.
they conceptualized the filipino pyramid activity guide. PASOO.
diagram that shows different kinds of physical activities that you can do each day in one week. Filipino Activity Pyramid Guide.
activities that should be part of your routines, done as often as possible. also called Day-to-Day activies. Bottom Level.
activities done regularly, 3-5 times a week, aerobic and recreational activities. Level 2.
activities done 2-3 times a week, improves strength and flexibility. Level 3.
also known as Inactivity Level. Level 4.
a major factor in preventing and reducing risk of many health conditions. Physical Activity.
a 2-3 minute physical activity that interrupts an hour of continuos sitting and lessens the effects of sedentary lifestyle. Short Incidental Physical Activity.
SIPA at Work. get off the bus two stops away, walk instead of driving, walk up the stairs instead of using elevator.
SIPA at home. gardening, go for a short walk before breakfast and after dinner, be active while watching TV.
SIPA at leisure. go for a bushwalk, walk along the beach, organize family outings.
four WHO tips. Eat Right, Get enough sleep, Manage stress and Engage in Physical Activity and Exercise.