Self report techniques are when the participant reveals personal information about themselves in response to a series of questions.
Interviews are when participants give information in response to directquestioning from the researcher (this can be in person or over the phone).
Questionnaires are a set of questions given to participants either online or via post. These usually consist of closed questions.
Open questions are when the questions are phrased in a way that allows the participant to answer in any way they choose. This produces qualitative data.
Strengths of open questions:
Participants have more freedom to choose their responses which can lead to more valid responses.
Limitations of open questions:
Qualitative data makes dataanalysis between large numbers of responses more difficult (harder to spot patterns).
Closed questions are questions phrased in a way that limits the participants responses to only a few fixed options. This produces quantitative data.
Strengths of closed questions:
Quantitative data allows easy dataanalysis between large numbers of responses, making it easier to spot patterns.
Limitations of closed questions:
Less valid as participants are limited to a fixed answer.