Eysneck’s personality theory

Cards (12)

  • What is Eysneck’s personality theory?
    Criminality is a result of a particular personality type
  • What did Eysneck’s personality questionnaire do and what did it find out?
    measures people’s personality traits, ranking them on an E scale or N scale
    Found most people have personalities around the middle of both scales
    • criminal personality scores high on E + N scales
    • they are strongly extroverted and neurotic
  • What are 2 dimensions of personality according to Eysneck?

    Extroversion Vs Introversion
    Neuroticism Vs Emotional stability
  • What personalities are introverts?

  • What personalities are extroverts?

    excitement seeking
  • What personalities are neurotic’s

    Prone to overreacting
  • How does a combination of High E and High N lead to criminality?

    Extroverts - have a nervous system that needs a high level of stimulation from their environment as they are constently seeking excitement
    • leads to impulsive rule breaking
    Neurotics - harder to condition into following societal rules due to their high levels of anxiety, preventing them from learning from their mistakes and punishment
  • What 2 ideas does Eysenck draw his findings on?
    genetic inheritance
  • What does Eysneck argue to do with conditioning and genetic inheritance?
    we learn through conditioning but some individuals inherit a nervous system causes them to develop a criminal personality
  • What other personality did Eysneck introduce after later research?
    People with this are more likely to engage in criminality
    • tend to be solitary misfits - cruel, aggressive, lack empathy
    overlap with schizophrenia
  • What are strengths of Eysneck personality theory?
    Useful in describing how some measurable tendencies could increase a person’s risk of offending
    Prediction of High E+N+P scores lead to criminality have support from other studies
  • What are the limitations of Eysneck‘s personality theory?

    Although there is evidence that there is a correlation between personality type and criminality it doesn’t prove that personality type causes criminality, the prison environment might cause people to become neurotic
    He uses self report techniques - produce invalid result as people can easily lie