"Decrease the surplus population" (5)
- Speaking from a point of influence (Capitalism), Treats the poor as inhuman, desensitised creatures that he has no responsibility for - their fault they are poor
- Malthus preached that betterment of humankind is impossible without stern limits on reproduction.
- Dickens assigns the Malthusian theory to an unlikeable and rapacious character to portray his views like Scrooge's character: unscrupulous (unethical). Malthus' callousness is highlighted in Scrooge's remark.
- Dickens tries to show that starvation is not inevitable if the rich became more generous.
- Ironic: Scrooge is victim of capitalism, he lives an empty life as a recluse + does not contribute to society - surely if anyone would be seen as a 'waste', it would be the man who hoards his wealth for his own satisfaction.