Family relationships

Cards (7)

  • "He'll get on a lot better if you screw the heid, right?"
    Billy is blunt with Davie - stability, not uncertainty, will help Alec to thrive.
  • "there's yer yacht. A blue and white it is!"
    Billy, unlike Davie, fulfils his promise to Alec.
  • "...ah had a word wi that bookie."
    Again, we see Billy's decisiveness. He cares about his brother and does what he can to help.
  • "Ma bursary money'll be comin through this week, can pay it wi that."
    In a role-reversal, Alec becomes like a supportive parent. He sacrifices the money that's supposed to support his education.
  • "Think a came fae another planet."
    Davie articulates the distance he feels from his son. He feels his son's lack of respect for him, and knows that he is pushing away.
  • "Look at the state ae us."
    Alec's frustration bubbles over. He feels disgusted by their hopeless situation.
  • "Ach aye, yirra good boy son. Wallop"
    Davie slaps his son and Alec is indignant. The tension between the pair has built to this emotionally charged climax.