'And the afternoon, the evening, sleeps so peacefully'- personification of the afternoon and evening draws sharp contrast with his own existential turnmoil- recalls sky like a patient on table. Unconscious or tired? 'strength to force the moment to its crisis' - euphemism for having an orgasm: dramatic climax or turning point.
'wept and fasted' 'wept and prayed'- allusion to temptation of Christ in the desert as he fasted and prayed for the remission of humanity's sin.
'Head brought in upon a platter' could symbolise rejection, refers to the biblical story of John the Baptist who was beheaded at the command of Herod.
He alludes to people he is unlike: John the Baptist, Lazarus, Hamlet: he will never be remembered in life or death.
'eternal footman'- symbol of death , mocked by mortality, derisive figure of death - 'snickers