You, as a human being, are made from trillions of cells, but only of about 250 different types
A specialised cell is a cell that has a particular structure and composition of subcellular structures
Structural differences between different types of cells enable them to perform specific functions within the organism
Cells specialise by undergoing a process known as differentiation
The nerve cell Nerve cells (neurones) have a characteristically elongated structure which allows them to coordinate information from the brain and spinal cord with the rest of the body
Function: conduction of impulses
Has a cell body where most of the cellular structures are located and most protein synthesis occurs
Extensions of the cytoplasm from the cell body form dendrites (which receive signals) and axons (which transmit signals), allowing the neurone to communicate with other nerve cells, muscles and glands
The axon (the main extension of cytoplasm away from the cell body) is covered with a fatty sheath, which speeds up nerve impulses. Axons can be up to 1m long in some animals
Muscle cells contain layers of fibres which allow them to contract. The image above shows skeletal muscle cells.
Function: contraction for movement
There are three different types of muscle in animals: skeletal, smooth and cardiac (heart)
All muscle cells have layers of protein filaments in them. These layers can slide over each other causing muscle contraction
Muscle cells have a high density of mitochondria to provide sufficient energy (via respiration) for muscle contraction
Skeletal muscle cells fuse together during development to form multinucleated cells that contract in unison
Sperm cells are mobile – their tail helps propel them forward in search of an egg to fertilise
Function: reproduction (pass on fathers genes)
The head contains a nucleus which contains half the normal number of chromosomes (haploid, no chromosome pairs)
The acrosome in the head contains digestive enzymes that can break down the outer layer of an egg cell so that the haploid nucleus can enter to fuse with the egg’s nucleus
The mid-piece is packed with mitochondria to release energy (via respiration) for the tail
The tail rotates, propelling the sperm cell forwards (allowing it to move/swim)#
The root hair is an extension of the cytoplasm, increasing the surface area of the cell in contact with the soil to maximise absorption of water and minerals
Function: absorption of water and mineral ions from soil
Root hair to increase surface area (SA) so the rate of water uptake by osmosis is greater (can absorb more water and ions than if SA were lower)
Thinner walls than other plant cells so that water can move through easily (due to shorter diffusion distance)
Permanent vacuole contains cell sap which is more concentrated than soil water, maintaining a water potential gradient
Mitochondria for active transport of mineral ions
Remember that chloroplasts are not found in these cells – there’s no light for photosynthesis underground!
Xylem cells lose their top and bottom walls to form a continuous tube through which water moves from the roots to the leaves.
Function: transport tissue for water and dissolved ions
No top and bottom walls between cells to form continuous hollow tubes through which water is drawn upwards towards the leaves by transpiration
Cells are essentially dead, without organelles or cytoplasm, to allow free passage of water
Outer walls are thickened with a substance called lignin, strengthening the tubes, which helps support the plant
Phloem cells form tubes similar to xylem vessels, except the cells still retain some subcellular structures and are therefore living
Function: transport of dissolved sugars and amino acids
Made of living cells (as opposed to xylem vessels which are made of dead cells) which are supported by companion cells
Cells are joined end-to-end and contain holes in the end cell walls (sieve plates) forming tubes which allow sugars and amino acids to flow easily through (by translocation)
Cells also have very few subcellular structures to aid the flow of materials