Anticipatory rise - an increase in heartrate prior to exercise, due to the release of adrenaline
A-VO2 difference: Arterio-venousoxygen difference, the difference in the oxygencontent of the blood between the arterial blood and the venous blood
Blood pressure - measure of the force that your blood exerts against bloodvesselwalls
Systolic blood pressure - blood pressure while the heart is contracting
Diastolic blood pressure - blood pressure while the heart is relaxing
Bohr shift:
when the oxyhaemoglobindissociationcurve shifts to the right during exercise
occurs as a result of the increased carbondioxide in the blood, increased blood acidity, decreased blood Ph and increased temperature
As a result haemoglobin has a loweraffinity for oxygen at the working muscles, giving up oxygen more easily
Bradycardia - a reduction in resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute
Cardiac conduction system - a group of specialisedcardiacmuscle cells in the walls of the heart that send signals to the heart muscle causing it to contract
Sino-atrialnode - the heart's pacemaker, which sends an impulse through the atria causing them to contract
Atrio-ventricularnode - delays the impulse to allow ventricular filling
Bundle of his - conducts the impulse down the septum
Purkinjie fibres - spreads the impulse through the ventricles causing them to contract
Cardiac hypertrophy - increase in the thickness of the muscular heart wall, especially around the leftventricle. May also make the size of the ventricular cavity bigger
Cardiac output - the amount of blood which leaves the leftventricle per minute.HR x SV
Heart rate - the number of times the heart contracts per minute
Stroke volume - the amount of blood which leaves the leftventricle per contraction
Cardiovascular drift - Reduction in strokevolume when exercising in warm conditions for longer than 10mins
results in an increase in Heart Rate to maintain cardiacoutput
Occurs due to sweating which reduces bloodvolume, leading to decreased venousreturn and then due to starling'slaw decreased strokevolume
Cholesterol - a type of fat which is transported in the blood
High-density lipoproteins - "good" cholesterol which transports excesscholesterol to the liver to be broken down. This lowers the risk of heartdisease
Low-density lipoproteins - 'bad' cholesterol as too much can lead to fattydeposits in the arteries. This has a negative effect on health increasing bloodpressure, and the risk of heartdisease
Haemoglobin - found in redblood cells, combines with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin, which is transported round the body
Heart disease - also known as coronaryheartdisease. Occurs when coronary blood vessels become blocked by fattydeposits, called atheroma, limiting the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart.
This process is known as atherosclerosis
This lack of oxygen results in discomfort known as angina
If a complete blockage occurs this can result in heart attack
Myoglobin - found in musclecells, myoglobin stores and transports oxygen. Has a highaffinity for oxygen than haemoglobin, so it aids transport into muscle cells
Receptors - part of the nervoussystem that detects changes in the body
Baroreceptors - located in bloodvessels, detect changes in bloodpressure
Chemoreceptors - monitors and detects increases in bloodacidity during exercise due to increased carbondioxide in the blood
Proprioceptors - detects increases in musclemovement during exercise
vascular-shuntmechanism - directs blood flow around the body
Vasodilation - precapillarysphincters will relax, widening the internal diameter of blood vessels. During exercise this will happen in the vessels leading to workingmuscles allowing more oxygen and nutrient rich blood to reach them
Vasoconstriction - Precapillarysphincters will contract, decreasing the internal diameter of blood vessels. During exercise this will happen in the vessels leading to non-workingmuscles and non-essential organs. This allows more blood to be available for the working muscles
Starling's law - increased venousreturn will result in a higher strokevolume. This is due to the cardiac muscle being stretched, resulting in a stronger force of contraction and greater ejectionfraction
Stroke - a serious life-threatening medical condition that happens when the bloodsupply to part of the brain is cut-off
Ischaemic stroke - occur when a blood clot stops the supply of blood reaching the brain. Most common type of stroke
Haemorrhagic strokes - result of a weakened blood vessel to the brain bursting
The autonomic nervous system subconsciously controls heart rate, breathing rate and redistribution of blood:
the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system are controlled in the medullaoblongata
Sympathetic nervous system - the body's 'fight or flight' system
Parasympathetic nervous system - 'rest and digest'
Valves - found in the veins that prevent the backflow of blood
Skeletal muscle pump - working muscles contract and compressveins to push blood back towards the heart
Respiratory pump - Increased respiration/changes in pressure in the thorax compress veins to push blood back towards the heart