Tropical rainforest

Cards (8)

  • Characteristics of a Tropical rainforest:
    • Hot (over 30 degrees)
    • Wet/humid (over 2000mm)
    • Close to the equator (10-15)
    • Layers : Emergents, Canopy, Under canopy, Shurbs and forest floor
    • Soil is reddish brown from leaching, and has a lot of iron in it
  • Threats of the tropical rainforest is deforestation, which can be causes by:
    • Farming - large areas being cleared for pastoral farming (animals killed for meat)
    • Logging - trees are cut down so that valuable trees can be accessed and sold
    • Mining - rainforest are rich in natural resources which leads to the development of mines and clearence of tropical rainforest
    • Roads being built - for farmersl, loggers and miners
    • Hydroelectric power (HEP) - large areas being flooded
    • Population - population growth has resulted in land being cleared to build houses
  • Tropical rainforest adaptations for plants:
    • Wide buttress roots ~ support tall trees
    • Drip tips ~ allows water to run off quickly and stop algae from growing
    • Tall straight trunks ~ fast growing and most efficient to get to sunlight
    • Smooth bark ~ allows water to run off
  • Examples of tropical rainforests are Amazon Rainforest in Brazil and Malaysian Rainforset, in Indonesia.
  • Soil in a tropical rainforest lacks nutrients and is infertile because:
    • Most nutrients are found at the surface, in a layer of dead organic matter called humus layer
    • Most trees have shallow roots and absorb nutrients quickly
    • Heavy rain causes leaching and run-off
    • This results in infertile, red and iron rich soil called latosol
  • Layers of a tropical rainforest:
    1. Emergent (top) ~ fast growing trees cut light out
    2. Canopy ~ thickest layer, where most animals live
    3. Under canopy ~ limited sunlight
    4. Shrub (bottom) ~ very dark
  • Rainfroest adaptations for animals:
    • Slots can camouflage and move very slowly which makes it hard for predators to spot
    • Spider monkeys have large and strong limbs to climb trees
    • Frogs have suction cups for hands and feet to cling on leaves and trees
  • Why is the rainforset important?
    1. Biodiversity ~ has largest number of species, half of all plants and animals live there
    2. Climate change ~ absorb carbon dioxide
    3. Climate ~ 28% of world's oxygen comes from rainforests
    4. Medicine ~ 25% of all medicines come form rainforests
    5. Resources ~ hardwood, rubber, nuts, fruit
    6. Water ~ 20% of world's fresh water comes form Amazon basin
    7. Indigenous people ~ they live their