Cardinal: 'Why do you weep? Are tears your justification?'
Cardinal: 'I have taken you off your melancholyperch, / Bore you upon my fist, and showed you game, / And let you fly at it.'
Cardinal: 'Just like one / That hath a little fingering on the lute, / Yet cannot tune it.'
Julia: 'I'll go ask my husband if I shall, / And straight return your answer.'
Pescara: 'The Cardinal's mistress'
Pescara: 'Tis a gratification / Only due to a strumpet, for it is injustice.'
Julia: 'What an excellentshape hath that fellow!'
Julia: 'Which of my women 'twas you hired to put / Lovepowder into my drink?'
Julia: 'This nicemodesty in ladies / Is but a troublesomefamiliar / That haunts them.'
Julia: 'Put yourself to the charge of courting me, / Whereas now I wooyou'
Julia: 'He might count me as a wanton, / Not lay a scruple of offence on you'
Julia: 'You shall see me wind my tongue about his heart'
Cardinal: 'Yond's my lingeringconsumption'
Cardinal: 'I will swear you to't upon this book'
Julia: 'Most religiously'
Julia: 'I forgive you'
Female characters are trapped in a world where the 'patriarchal mindset predisposed to see women in terms of the binaryoppositions of angel and whore' dominates.