function: source of energy
sources: bread, cereal, pasta, rice
function: repair and growth
sources: fish, meats, eggs, nuts
function: insulation and energy storage
sources: butter, oil, nuts
function of calcium: strong teeth and bones (deficiency = osteoporosis)
function of iron: make haemoglobin or blood (deficiency = anemia)
sources of calcium: milk, cheese, eggs
sources of iron: red meat, leafy green vegies
function: chemical reactions to take place in cells
sources: fruits, juices, water
f+s vit a: vision, skin + hair healthy -> liver, dairy, eggs
f+s vit d: calcium absorption -> oily fish, dairy, sunlight
f+s vit c: collagen protein (deficiency = scurvy) -> citrus fruit
function: builds roughage for intestines to push food through
sources: wholemeal bread, fruit