Types of Business Entities

Cards (24)

  • Private Sector
    portion of economy owned by private individuals
  • Public Sector
    portion of economy owned by the government
  • Features of the private sector

    private ownership and control
    little or no government involvement
    profits can be earned by owners
  • Features of the public sector

    owned and controlled by the government
    financed by government
    provides essential goods and services
    answerable to the public for any decision taken
  • Nationalisation
    private companies become owned and controlled by the government
  • Privatisation
    government business transfer ownership to private sector
  • Unincorporated- Sole Traders

    business is owned and run by one person

    no legal separation between owner and business
    easy to set up
    keep all the profits
    savings are often used to start up
    no legal continuity

    - the failure of the business is the responsibility of sole trader (unlimited liability)
    - difficult to finance
    - no separate business personality
  • Unincorporated- Partnership

    a form of business where two or more people share ownership, responsibility and income or losses

    no legal continuity
    unlimited liability

    + shared ideas and experiences
    + specialisation
    + shared capital
    +higher continuity
    + privacy of financial records

    - disagreements
    - interdependency
    - shared profit
  • Deed of partnership

    amount of money put in by each parter
    sharing of profits and losses
    roles and responsibility
    procedure of ending partnership
    rules of accepting or withdrawing a partner
  • Incorporated- Limited Company
    a company is a business organisation which has its own legal identity and limited liability
  • Shareholders
    people or organisations that own a part of a company. Each share is a part ownership of the business
  • Private Limited Co.- Features

    owners can restrict who the shared are sold to in to future
    not traded on stock exchange
  • Public Limited Co. - Features

    shareholders can share their shares to whoever
    traded on stock exchange
    shares may be advertised (IPO)
    must publish financial reports
  • Limited Liability

    owners are not responsible for depts if business fails (owner and business are legally separated)
  • Dividens
    a portion of business profits distributed to owners or shareholders
  • Private Limited CO.

    privately owned often family and friends as shareholders, the shares are not sold to public and not on stock exchange

    + no obligations to publish financial records
    + limited liability
    + legal continuity
    + control and owner ship

    - business cannot be examined by external experts
    - expensive
    - lengthier decision making
  • Public Limited Co.
    a company that is publicly owned, has many shareholders who can buy and sell shares in the stock market

    + finance- money can be raised by shares
    + separate legal identity
    + limited liability

    - loss of control
    - public financial records
    - high costs to set up
  • Social Enterprise

    a business that put the interest of people and planet ahead of shareholder gain
  • For-Profit Social Enterprise- Features

    profit making business
    integrates social/environmental impact
    judged less on profits and more on multi stakeholder impact
    most profits are reinvested into business
  • Evaluation of For-Profit Social enterprise

    + meeting their ethical responsibilities
    + generate revenues and profits
    + attract increasing number of customers

    - Funding
    investor need to wait longer for returns, lower return
    - Credibility
    - Measuring Impact
  • Non-Profit Social Enterprise

    any surplus generated must be reinvested in the business
    have to prove social and environmental purpose to governmnet
  • NGO's

    a legally constituted body with no participation or representation of any government which has a specific aim
  • Charities
    an organisation set up to raise money to help people in need
  • Cooperatives
    business that is owned and run by its members