Tulving's Gold Study

Cards (6)

  • Aim
    To investigate if the recall of episodic and semantic memories produced different blood flow patterns in the brain
  • Method
    6 participants were injected with radioactive gold. Used a repeated measures design with 4 episodic and 4 semantic memory trials. Monitored blood flow using a PET scan
  • Results
    There was different blood flow patterns in 3 of the participants. Semantic memories produced greater blood flow in the posterior cortexes, whilst episodic memories produced greater blood flow in the anterior cortexes
  • Conclusion
    Episodic and semantic memories are localised in different areas of the brain
  • Strength
    Evidence from brain scans is difficult to fake, producing unbiased evidence
  • Weakness
    The data was inconclusive as differences were only seen in half of the participants