Semantic memory refers to memory of meanings and understanding of the world
Semantic memories are not time stamped but are declarative
Procedural memory is a type of memory which guides the processes we perform
Case of Clive Wearing supports different types of LTM
Clive’s proceduralmemory stayed intact but his episodic memory was severelydamaged
Clive would greet his wife as if he hadn’t seen her for years after she would leave and re-enter a room
Brain scanning studies prove that differentparts of the brain are active when performingtasks involving differenttypes of LTM.
There is no way to test Clive’s memory before the accident
Hard to apply Clivewearing’s case to an entire population which is a weakness in supporting evidence for types of LTM
In the Working Memory model there are 4 slave systems
Central Executive allocates slavesystems to tasks and has a very limited processing capacity
Procedural memories are not timestamped and are non-declarative
Retroactive interference - Muller gave participants a list of nonsense syllables to learn for 6 minutes then after an interval they had to recall. If participants had been given an intervening task they recalled much less. Rugby